Developing a Customized Reporting Plan For Your Company
2 min read

Every company has to collect and report on data, whether it's for their own internal management or client services. Also, every company is different, with unique needs regarding their reporting processes and ultimate results. To provide more accurate, comprehensive information, businesses need to refine their reporting and optimize their solutions. Custom reporting processes and procedures need to be developed to provide more consistent, company wide metrics.
Assessing Your Reporting Solutions
Reports have to be tailored not only to your business but also to the needs of your clients. Generic reporting will not provide any standout value to your customers. An easy way to begin the process of customization is to analyze your reporting for changes that may need to be made.
A few questions to ask include:
Are these reports still appropriately meeting the needs of the organization and its customers?
How long has it been since reporting has been revised? Have the organization's processes changed since then?
How accessible is your reporting? Web-based reporting has become industry standard for many organizations.
Is your reporting limited by your technology? Are there areas that you want to improve but have been held back by the system that you have?
If these questions reveal inadequacies in your system, it's time to customize your reporting.
Customizing Your Reporting System
Customizing your system should be a structured process. By tackling the project step by step, organizations can create a new system without disrupting their ongoing operations.
Begin by determining your objectives. What does your company need from its reports? What do your competitors offer that you don't?
Find a path to your goals. Once you have assessed your objectives properly, you need to determine how to best meet those goals. Is your system still going to support your needs? Or do you need to develop another reporting system?
Assess your data. Choose the sources of data that you have that best support your objectives and prioritize the metrics that are most important. It's as important to include items in your report as it is to exclude items. Reports have to be sharp and concise.
Collect your data. Collect the data that you need as accurately as possible and focus on how this information can be streamlined. Your goal should be to have as few intermediary steps between the data's origination and the reporting as possible. If data has to be moved from system to system, automatic syncing solutions are almost universally better than importing and exporting data. Porting and exporting data can potentially introduce errors and lead to increased administrative time.
Administrative time should always be analyzed when a reporting solution is altered, as it's important to create a system as conservative and streamlined as possible. Many businesses find that it takes far more time and money than they expected to collect data. Off the shelf software may appear to have everything they need but can take a considerable amount of time to customize. Often, it's better to develop a solution from the ground up.
Implementing Your Reporting Processes
Customized software can be built specifically for a business, giving the business only what it needs to create compelling, unique, consistent, and clear reporting. Custom software can save money over time, paying for itself through reduced administrative costs and improved value to the customer.
When creating a new reporting system, it's critical to train employees thoroughly. Professionals may need to be involved in transitioning data from one system to the other without a disruption of services. Once the transition has been completed, continued training and assessments will be needed to further optimize the reporting products.
By customizing your system, you can create exactly the reports that your business and customers need to grow and thrive. Custom web reporting can help by making it easier to pare down to the data you truly need. Custom reporting solutions can give that standout value to your customers and give you a competitive edge over your competition.
To learn more about the importance of eliminating human error in your operations, please download the eBook titled "How to Automate Business Process in 7 Smart Steps."