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    7 minute read

    The greatest programmer ever! Not only writing code but saving lives.

    Lance Keene

    You probably get a hundred spam email scams per week. They are usually easy to spot but the scammers are getting more creative.

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    13 minute read

    Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Development Team

    Lance Keene

    So you are responsible for hiring a team to work on a software application for your company. It’s an application that a majority of your fellow employees will be using on a daily ...

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    3 minute read

    Meeting a Legend in Computer Science: Grace Murray Hopper

    Lance Keene

    The Google Doodle of Grace Hopper brought back fond memories of when I had an opportunity to meet her back in 1981 as a fresh graduate of the Army Computer Science School. She ...

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    < 0 minute read

    Senator Scott Brown visits Keene Systems

    Lance Keene

    Former US Senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, visited Keene Systems. Scott wanted to see what we were doing to create jobs in the area.

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    < 0 minute read

    Walt Havenstein, candidate for NH Governor pays Keene Systems a visit.

    Lance Keene

    Today Walt Havenstein stopped in to visit with Keene Systems. He and Lance Keene had a good discussion about the challenges of doing business in India. As director and chief ...

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    < 0 minute read

    US Senator Kelley Ayotte Visits Keene Systems

    Lance Keene

    Today we welcomed United States US Senator Kelley Ayotte at the new Keene Systems office. We had discussions about what Keene Systems is doing to create new jobs in the area and ...

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    1 minute read

    Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster pays Keene Systems a visit.

    Lance Keene

    Today we welcomed United States Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster to the Keene Systems office. She stopped in to see how the 5 member businesses in the Enterprise Center are doing ...

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    < 0 minute read

    Keene Systems in the Manchester Union Leader

    Lance Keene

    Today Keene Systems was mentioned in the Manchester Union Leader in a story by Dan Seufert. Click Here for Story.

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    < 0 minute read

    US Senator Jeanne Shaheen pays Keene Systems a visit.

    Lance Keene

    Today we welcomed United States Senator Jeanne Shaheen to the Keene Systems office. Jeanne Shaheen was the former governor of New Hampshire from 1997 to 2003 but is now serving ...

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    2 minute read

    Lance Keene MSNBC interview on creative financing for small businesses

    Lance Keene

    While attending a The Boston Business Expo this week I was asked to give an interview with MSNBC and give some advice to other entrepreneurs just starting off their businesses. I ...

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    < 0 minute read

    Keene Systems Meets with Govenor of New Hampshire

    Lance Keene

    Yesterday I attended the grand opening of the Plymouth Enterprise Center in downtown Plymouth, NH. We will be moving Keene Systems to new office space in the Enterprise Center ...

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