Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
The Bariatric Surgery Program at Dartmouth Hitchcock, Manchester, NH caters to morbidly obese patients with serious weight-related conditions such as; sleep apnea, heart problems, and diabetes. They offer monthly informational meetings, weight loss support, surgical consultation and surgery to patients.

Key Challenges
Dartmouth Hitchcock needed to track information on their bariatric patients; things such as basic biographical info, surgeries, complications, comorbidities, doctors & facilities, consultation dates, patient meeting attendance, patient call logs, Lap Band fill dates and patient weight history. The system needed to be robust, easy to use, secure, comply with HIPPA laws and give them the ability to generate flexible reports.
Keene Systems developed a web based solution that managed all of their bariatric patient data. Authorized personnel could login and easily search/add/change/delete patient data. Meetings could be scheduled and patient attendance could be tracked. A highly flexible custom reporting system was developed that allowed staff to pick and choose fields and patient filtering criteria without having to know anything about complex data queries. All dropdowns in the system such as providers, institutions and surgery types needed to be maintainable by the staff.